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High availability and high throughput

Platform independent

Low cost and fast delivery


Name Description
application template a template for creating a new project
Terraform scripts scripts to build the environment
learning content hands-on content learning Akka and Scala with Lerna
system design documents documentation for developing with Lerna
application libraries libraries for developing applications that run on Lerna Stack ( API Doc )
sample application a sample application for developing with Lerna application libraries
HA library Akka extension for fast recovery from failure with replicating stateful entity on multiple nodes in Cluster. ( API Doc )
benchmark report for Lerna a benchmark report measuring availability and throughput of Lerna
sample application for HA library (Minimum) a sample application for developing with HA library
sample application for HA library (Bank Account) a sample application that manages bank account balances for developing with HA library
batch parallelization library a library for parallelizing batch processing with Nablarch Batch Framework
sample application for batch library a sample application for developing with batch parallelization library
benchmark report for batch library a report testing speed improvement effect by parallelizing processing using batch parallelization library

Getting started



Reactive systems that focus on availability
Challenged to reduce stateful application downtime to less than 10 seconds


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* The names of the companies and products described in this site are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies.
* Amazon Web Services, AWS are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.
* Akka is a trademark of Lightbend, Inc.

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