
package json

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AnyValJsonFormat[T, V] extends JsonFormat[T] with DefaultJsonProtocol

    A class that provides a JSON serialization/deserialization of any type

    A class that provides a JSON serialization/deserialization of any type

    The instance with the type T is serialized and deserialized using spray.json.JsonFormat for type V.


    The type for newly defined serialization


    The type used for underlying serialization

  2. class EnumJsonFormat[T <: Enumeration] extends RootJsonFormat[json.EnumJsonFormat.T.Value]

    A class that provides a JSON serialization/deserialization of scala.Enumeration

    A class that provides a JSON serialization/deserialization of scala.Enumeration


    The type of the given enumeration


    Based on the code found:

  3. final class LocalDateTimeJsonFormat extends RootJsonFormat[LocalDateTime]

    A class that provides a JSON format of java.time.LocalDateTime

  4. trait SnakifiedSprayJsonSupport extends DefaultJsonProtocol

    A custom version of the Spray DefaultJsonProtocol with a modified field naming strategy

Value Members

  1. object AnyValJsonFormat

    An object that provides factory methods of AnyValJsonFormat

  2. object EnumJsonFormat

    An object that provides factory methods of EnumJsonFormat

  3. object LocalDateTimeJsonFormat

    An object that provides factory methods of LocalDateTimeJsonFormat

  4. object SnakifiedSprayJsonSupport extends SnakifiedSprayJsonSupport
